Thursday, June 29, 2006

this was candid! was adjusting cuitian's belt ;p

so we were in the lift 

well it's cui's turn to sneak up on me! ;p 

aha. snuck up on cuitian when she was taking her photo! HEHE 

well this was taken ages ago. so hence the long fringe and everything. posted this for the legs. not the face. lol~ 
aha! today was the second time i was having lessons
since there was no dance surprisingly
but alas, we were called outta our classrooms after lunch
cus apparently we were supposed to be present. so ya
left rather reluctantly cus mrs liew wus going thru the assignment
which happens to be accounted into our ca.
dance was rather slack i guess
afterall we were in charge
haha ate xiao man dou and sanzha
and weicong said only little kids ate those -.-
well don't people eat anything nice? blah
didnt go for europe briefing. ahaha
sian hope miss ng doesnt kill us or sth
since i was at physics remedial
left halfway to get sth to eat with lynn
cus we were too hungry and decided against eating prata alr.
so yea.
now it's the NORMAL one ><
so i just ate all the honey chicken and cabbage
and left the rice alone. waste of food ):
blablahblah. took 96 and on the way there, they made fun of me!!!
on how i was mogu(mushroom) and my daddy would be mopeng!(acne face -.-)
lol how could i take tht laying down xD
so lynn is zhu gan(bamboo)
her daddy is zhu gan(pig intestines)
her mummy is zhu gan(cook intestines)
her brother is zhu gan(rent?!? intestines ; totally random but whatever ;p)
thn we parted at clem cus i took mrt alone
alighted at cck
only to see 2 guys staring into their COMPACT MIRROR
omg i thought only girls had those. like cuitian xDD
ahaha saw 2 ex-bpians
this girl with her bf. cnt remember her
and laura(junior) with her friends and they were like;
wah laura ni hao you man tian xia!
lol? xDD
didnt get a chance to blog since i reached home rather late
it was the syf opening full-dress rehearsal
we started off at the nearby grasspatch
which happens to be freaking hot!!
gahhh luckily we changed to the indoor stadium after a few runs
we waited near gate 3
and there was this air-conditioned room!
so we kept opening the doors!
there was even buffet inside
ellise kope oranges!and i ate them too. HAHA
thn we continued with our usual games
multiples of 3, zhong zi mi ma
everyone wanted to win!
cus the winner gets to drink ice lemon tea! bought by junyang's last dollar
thn we played murderer, the holding of hands one
cus it so happens tht junhe and xinyue were sitting together!
we kept making fun of them
hahah even tried to let them hold hands by backing out of the game
but we were exposed cus how could the ppl beside them die when they didnt even receive any squeezes!
lol~ thn we had bread and got ready for the rehearsal
when the whole thing ended everyone rushed towards the center
and asked for theresa and zhiyang's autographs
people like zhipeng was the first! (theresa's tht is)
he's crazy over her. even prepared all the paper and pens
hahah but theresa doesnt have as much supporters as zhiyang's
everyone was taking photos with zhiyang! poor theresa
thn weicong asked theresa to write her number on his glove
lol? she laughed and her manager puller her off
the end.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

just for laughs HAHAH 

haha this is in singapore. remembered bout this when i saw the mehmeh ;D 

yaye! cute bush ;p 

of course how can i miss out the yellow rose! ;D 

taken from the cute bush. ahaha 

what sharp petals! but still pretty aint it ;p 

more roses! i'm so in love with them xD 

at the rose garden ;D 

one whole stretch of yellow flowers! ;D 

heehee! mehmeh! 

ahaha pretty wild flowers 
history lesson today was rather humiliating
apparently miss ng decided to force out the truth of sliding down the slope outta me
oh what shame. lol thn we walked to clem to take mrt to westmall
ate burger king!
wanted to eat mos burger ):
but everyone was in for bk, so yea
was freaking full due to the double whopper!
which happens to be utterly humongus!!
gahh didnt do any maths hw
i'm so dead, after blogging i shall do it
hopefully i can finish it! ;x
well it was syf pract as usual
haha we got to rest more this time since it was a combined pract
lol theresa was there
and zhipeng was so totally into her!
even to the expense of forgetting his dance moves!
just kept staring at her. haha
saw tanjong katong and deyi's miltary band
DAMN they're good
but i think i prefer deyi this year
cus they had flags too!
it justs puts us, flag barriers to shame ;x
blahblahblah. drank milo ate kaya bread on the way back
thn mommy fetched me home
thank goodness was so tired~
went for music clinic!
but it was peter's lesson
everyone was so nervous about it
especially since he taught us before and wasnt too nice with words
expectedly he said some un-nice stuff
ahah but they were quite funny
LOL~ and made sense too. just maybe a lil exaggerated.
as we came back from 7-11 we met jeremy and cal!
ha they came back from white sands where they were promoting their cd
which is why jeremy couldnt teach us today ):
thn william's ex dog, jack jack, came out of his cage!
he's so fat!
ahaha but too cute
whenever u say treat treat! his ears will flap!
soon mommy arrived and i watched the suite life of zack and cody
it was the back to back series but i watched the first one before
i still watched it anyway!!!
cus it was the show whereby jesse mcCartney was starring in!!!
he sang beautiful soul
thn another funny episode and came the most anticipated movie of the month!
imma learn their songs xD
its so cool!
What i've been looking for
The Start of Something New
Breaking free
When there was you and me
yea. the nicer ones ;D
had ndp practice
had loads of time to slack
cus it was combined practice
ahaha saw the kids from Rulang Primary, they were damn cute!
i think they're better than us ):
they're shields could change colour!
hahaha cuteness
at first when si ian told me i thought their shoes could!
so i kept staring at the feet. lol
thn came our lunch
we had pizza hut!
one slice of pizza, 3 spicy drumlets, 1 garlic bread
and tie guan yin tea!
ahaha but disgusting activade ;x
so we played mutiples of 3, mulitples of 6, cai quan and zhong ji mi mah!
the loser had to drink activade! HAHA
i drank quite a lo for multiples of 3. but not as much as xinyue ;p
yes that's bout it.
Friday, June 23, 2006
whoa my 111th post!
that's rather lame. but still!!
i'm so hyped cus i had never known blogger kept track of my posts ;p
well anyway in the morning i went for syf opening pract at national stadium
walao *** is really damn irritating, so food-minded. lol~
sighs. tmr i have training at national stadium again
that's for national day tho
ahaha today we got our costumes!
wearing the blue one cus i'm flag
damn i like the yellow one more! tho its bermudas
but the skirt is -.- too. cus it''s super high-waisted
so the skirt becomes really short, if i wear it lower, my shorts inside would look hideous
urgh somebody help me.
dance is taking up 70% of my time >;(
not tht it's a really bad thing
but its really worrying to see myself missing lessons.
when sch re-opens tht is
especially maths!!! ):
so worried. failed amaths for term 2 alr...
but now.. it's rather disheartening to see my hw pile
apparently untouched.
gahh kill me or something
wanted to post another pict of my car
cream yellow and black
now that's the way ;DDD
but blogger is screwed
and picasa only works with windows
this is mac. ya u get th idea
Thursday, June 22, 2006

ahhh see that beautiful lake? 

lol looking good! ;p 

i look fat. but who cares. ;p 

lol we were at mos burger again! this time it was to support cuitian for teenage icon x) 

yep. superstars. deep in our heart we know we all are ;p 

ahhh we love jeremy! we got third ;p thanks to ya. we'll do better next time! 

neoprint time! 

get what i mean? ;p 

lol ages ago! well we WERE studying for mid year. guess we didnt really succeed ;p (look at gay weiru!)