Sunday, July 30, 2006
shall backtrack all th way to friday
since i was feeling really tired thn,
continue about geog. ahhhh
music clinic.
again. of course everything was screwed
i totally prefer jeremy
more relaxed...more comfortable
but anyway, i need to improve my sense of rhythm,
take breaths at appropriate times
*do not know tht mean you open your mouth, air goes in?!?!*
breathe thn use diaphragm, relaxing your chest and neck to reach the high notes
mouth shape matters. a LOT
wooh! national preview
had hellada fun! ;D
played scissors paper stone on the steps since we had nothing to do
alyssa, yujie, hann bin all beat me! >;(
BUT I BEAT DARRYL! by 1 step
so crucial!!! so nervous!
hann bin lost his bet, he thought i would lose
AHA in your face!
but seriously, they thrashed me like shit
11 steps...17 steps... urgh~ ):
i cant rmb anything else! i think scissors paper stone is the best!
i had the most fun ;D
not to forget fun with yujie playing hei bai pei!
and everything else tht i played
but of course, they were stuffs tht affected out mood,
luckily everything's over! ;D
ah keeel meeee
basically we were told to do a mindmap on the factors influencing industril location
shall blog about the physical ones first! ;D
1. LAND!!
sub-urban land is used because it is located far away from commercial centres
this will minimise pollution and also, the land is cheaper!
flat land is required because it is cheaper to build buildings and the infrastructure
(doesnt require levelling and easier transportation)
in singapore, we have a land shortage problem
so we build flatted factories to solve it
as long as the start-up cost is cheaper, this would aid in more investors in industrialisation. (:
2. Raw Materials
`bulky and needed in large quantity e.g, iron ore
= location near the source!
and this would reduce transport cost ;D
also, iron ore can lose weight by extracting out the iron itself
money can be saved by reducing the amt spent on carrying waste materials!
`being so advanced, eg, REFRIGERATION,
perishables can be kept fresh for a longer period of time
`manufactured goods are heavy compared to the raw materials eg, electronics
=located far away from source!
3. Energy
in th past, factories needed to be built near the source
since thy used steam and al
now, energy-orientated factories can use hydro-electric power too!
which is cheap and reliable!
but they'll be built to the coast(water duh)
and also, thermal energy
the burning of fossil fuels ;p
however!!! thanks to technology, we have non-energy orientated factories!
therefore, when the energy supply is constant, our factories can be located far far away! ;D
shall talk about the human factors when eveything's done (:
i'm so tired, i'm so screwed
tests and exams coming soon
feel so tired as of late,
i can only say i'm dead
well, shall blog tmr.
hey hey what do you say!
it's the teachers' day today!
everyone say hiphip hurray!
yay yay yay yay yay yay!
abit of lameness and gayness
helped to make this short poem
Friday, July 28, 2006
i'm so consistent (:
of late. haha
no actually i have nothing better to do online
at such a late hour ;p
as usual, no one's talking
early in the morning,
we took our national day tickets!
yellow sector, yellow tickets! ;DD
if only daddy was still in th airforce
thn vip seats would be easy to get
now these 2 tickets are like so precious!
missed one period of maths
but manged to catch up nevertheless
now's the cosine rule
this applies to the non right angled triangles
obviously i have committed tht formula to memory
once again, if i am given 3 lengths, find the angle
and 2 lengths, 1 angle, find the 3rd length (:
sounds pretty simple but i guess not.
had history again
i really like history. interestingggg
so anw mr lau keeps emphasizing on D-Day
so much tht i have committed it to memory too
ahaha it's on the 6'June 1944
whereby the allies land in France and
soviet union defeating germany
but this is chapter 5 info, wayy back
esp since we are in chapt 6 now
1 chapt not too much a diff?
think again
chapt 4 and 5 are tested for ct2
and apparently, it covers a freaking 50 over pages
take tht. i dont know how to start revision at all
maybe i'll just put it under my pillow
and let my brain absorb everything ;D
well, snap back to reality, if i ever possessed tht ability
i would have been in some renowned sch
received invitations from high school all over the world, begging me to join their sch
too bad
anyway, the main FOCUS on today's lesson was the 3 conferences
apparently, the big 3 (stalin, roosevelt and churchhill) wanted to discuss what would happen after the war
and avoid the same mistakes in that of the treaty of versailles.
cus some ppl believed it was the harsh terms tht led to WWII.
1.Teheran Conference, 1943(the middle of the war, allies winning)
damn... mr lau provided us with LOADS of info
Russia agreed on principle tht they would go into war against Japan
Stalin wanted buffer zone for the war against Germany so, she took back urkraine and Belorussia from poland
the curzon sth~
poland gained land from germany as it's border is being pushed back. the sth sth
p.s rmb to ask mr lau
Stalin was the one who seemed to be the most radical member of the 3
because.. roosevelt was accomodating towards stalin. which is quite surprising since they had different political views
pro com and anti com tht is.
US and Britian
supposed to create a second war front thru France
germany= dieversion of troops = hasten end of war.
R; abolished the isolation policy,internationalism!
R vs C; one-world against regionalism
all wanted to replace the league of nations.
thn recess and physics lab lesson
so cool! played around with the lenses
and a screen is needed to project the image
in fact, our shirt can act as a screen ;D
had chemistry... rate of reaction
the mol ratio is actually very important?
determines which is the one tht gets used up first
anw, hydrochloric acid reacts slower thn sulphuric because there are more hydrogen ions in the latter
(collision theory about th higher th concentration, the faster the rate?)
when drawing the diagram,
draw stopwatch n draw syringe with markings
lunch thn geog
i'm so tired
gimme a break...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
firstly a miracle happened
lynn went for choir! HAHA
applaud for her please.
we had ss first
think i screwed up the enriching test badly
heck it's over.
thn pe. i'm sorry. but all's well alr right? ;D
thn history, we went through sbq's
the techniques and all
1. similarity, difference, similarity AND differences
it all lies on how the qn is phrased
how do they differ?
how similar are sources a and b?
hehs. get th idea.
so first we must draw a common criterion.
thn we explain it in greater details, of course with the use of connective words
mmm so explaining would get you to L2?
L3 would mean the tone, supported (duh)
and L4 means you totally understand the sources, and you can even describe the motive! or purpose (:
nice mr lau gave us early break (:
after recess, to our surprise, was english!
ahah learnt how to write a proposal
leave a line after every paragraph
To: XinJie
introduction ( i am xinjie, the ultimate)
body (explain why, suggestions, benefits, conclusion)
propsed by:
the ultimate loser (my post)
take note of the tone.
thn had maths
now we move on to a higher level!
whereby we can find out angles/ lengths thru this weird formula
which will take me a lot of effort to type it out
so i dont see the need to
just rmb the angle has to be in the middle of the 2 sides and vice versa.
lunch; tension filled the air
actually i dont know, was burying my nose into my book
yaye, makes me wana watch roman holiday(filmed in 1953!!! , black and white)
and of course, go to rome
and gives me a clearer picture of what i want him to be like
i'm tooooo young. but ohwells. heck ;p
did a mindmap
but it's too vague
shall go into greater details tmr.
but also rmb to link back to the investor, the ultimate aim
and stuffs like that. yea...
insigficance is probably what everyone might feel at their lowest point of their lives
dont take it so badly
we're here to help
if you let us.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
wow! mr chow's tag has made me realise i HAVE to blog
i've GOT to blog. NOT
i'm a naughty girl
i'm stayin up because there's project runway later
and while i'm online, no one's talking
so here i am
talking to myself.
no really, i'm going to blog about school
as a bloody form of revision
because my life is pathetic
and i go home, watch tv and laze around
BUT!!! i went to the library yesterday, a life-chaning event
because now that i have borrowed FOUR totally awesome books,
i HAVE something interesting to do!
well one of them is mates dates and diamond destiny
i miss secondary two
me and terri were crazy over tht series
now that the 11th book's seems weird
but nevertheless! i'm so hyped up bout it!
back to the present.
let's see, i had chinese in the morning and i learnt new words
some of which i have never seen before in my life
just kidding, i saw it last tuition
but i guess it just wasnt really registered in my puny brain
chemistry; did a summary on chapter 17
which is crucial since it IS one of chapt tested in ct2
so therefore i have commited all of the necessary information to memory
looks like my puny brain is expanding ;D
5 factors that affects the rate of reaction; basically everything increase it -.-
1. concentration- more particles = number of effective collision increases
2. particle size- smaller size = more exposed surface area for the reactant to collide into
3. temperature- particles gain more kinetic energy, more faster, number of effective collision increases
4. pressure! (nearly forgot this phew!)- more particles enclosed in a smaller space = number of effective collision PER UNIT VOLUME
5. catalyst- provides an alternative route for the reaction to take place with a lower activation energy
i hate pressure -.- i hate the graphs.
then i had A.Math, we're back to trigo again
toa cah soh, it's already drilled into my brain by mr ng
but there's sth new to trigo cus we're using the ratio to solve angle question
sin(180-A) = sinWHATEVER
cos(180-A) = -cosWHATEVER
tan(180-A) = -tanWHATEVER
had ss test for enrichment
damn it sucked. did i mention i forgot to study?
because i didnt actually forgot, i remembered but noo...
complacent xinjie didnt think she needed revision
kidding, kinda reassured myself there wasnt a test since the timetable had no SS?!?!
how was i to know they would be using enrichment.
doesnt seem very enriching to me
lynn didnt come to school and that ass missed a hellada fun
ok maybe not, i'm trying to make her jealous.
had cd -.- by mrs foo!
watched this ultra-lame video clip and she played it twice
thn we had fake who wants to be a millionaire
no real million dollars just fake notes falling from the screen.
cheeyu is gona represent our class. lol when he didnt want to
everyone thought D was the correct answer so he die die didnt want to choose it
so he chose A and it was the answer!!! ironic ;p
is it prohibited to write on your money? (notes)
because i did. i signed my name hoping to get it back one day
hey what goes around comes around~
oh policeman please have mercy on me because i was young and ignorant
wait, i still am!
spare meeeeee.
a kind deed will do good for your future. you know, haoxinyouhaobao?
thn i went for chem lab lesson
stupid potassium manganate
it's purple, so it can be seen!
why cant we use some colourless liquid
then i wont get penalised for those unreacted remanants at the side of the bloody conical flask
>;( stupid marble.
i must learn how to tabulate my data
i cant keep relying on jamie and teachers.
kill me when it comes to spa
i'll just freak shriek and die
mmm thn i had physics lesson.
i so wanted to get that 2 marks!
it's a whole lot you know -.-
i can get an A1 alr. considering how badly i did for physics for mid year and all,
i have to rely mostly on class tests, ct2 and eoy
anyway, M= height/distance of image divided by the height/distance of the object
NEVER EVER assume the position of the object.
you have to make use of the parallel ray (which will pass thru F)
and the height of the ray has to be calculated using the linear magnification shit above
yaa. this' for th magnifying glass
as for the slide projector.. it's more complex
you know the object is between F and 2F right?
but it isnt the centre -.-
so once again, you cnt assume!
well i dont know how to put this into words...
or rather, i dont really understand.
MR CHOW. help. LOL
had maths but it was free period. yaye
thn history
learnt more about the defeat of the japanese which i am NOT gona blog
because apparently either mr lau has done his research well or this sub-chapter is just freaking long
well it IS VERY VERY long. just look at how long mr lau takes to go through the slides,
despite him going at a very fast-paced
i hope he prints those slides
thn i wont have to copy notes like some madass
thn again, pure history is madness. lol
watched a video, tried REALLY hard to stay awake
mmm.. thn we went through japanese's surrender
you know... little boy and fat man
hot topic; was those two bombs justified?
lead to japanese's swift surrender. prolonged war = bloody war
Japan's fanactism; extremly loyal, fighting against civillians
revenge for pearl harbor. wahaha. rmb pocket monsters; pokemon?
some websites claimed the americans implanted sth in the tv show to cause the fits and seizure attacks on japanese children LOLLLL. out of point. snap back to the topic
radiation!!! damn scary ;x may cause deformities
and of course, the number of deaths would be astounding
lastly, japanese was on the verge of surrendering alr.
you know... serious shortage of food and necessities cus of trade embargoes
the most interesting information award goes to history!
okinawa is still 70% american till TODAY
and most japanese pop stars emerge from there
well, blame it on the american influence ;p
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
call me a loser because i dont feel like blogging
Monday, July 24, 2006
lol. a quick recap of the day's work as promised
ss; test
english; modal verbs. (lame)
chinese; test
physics; LENSES
focal point (F) = the parallel rays converge. = the point the image is projected?
when object is further thn 2F, the image is inverted = REAL! and dimnished(small)
*camera and the eye*
when object is at 2F, the image is inverted again= REAL! but this time the image is exactly the same
when object is before F, the image is magnified = VIRTUAL! and upright.
*magnifying glass*
when object is at F, the image is magnified = VIRTUAL! and the imae is at infinity. far far awayy ;D
oya went thru test paper. remember: to include the speed of sound is constant!
frequency against wavelenght is inversely proportionate
vibrations of any musical isnt sound = transverse waves
my units -.-
maths; free period but never mind REVISION!
1.OC is perpendicular to AB whereby C is the midpoint
2.if AB and CD are equal chords, the distance between them is equal
3.Tangent to the circle is perpendicular to radium
4.Tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal in length ( equal tangents from ext. pt.)
1.Angles in the same segment are equal ( < in the same segment)
2.Angle at the center of the circle is always twice the angle at the circumference contained by the same arc
(< at the centre= 2 time < at the circumference)
3.Any angle at the CIRCUMFERENCE in a SEMICIRCLE subtended by the DIAMETER is a right angle ( right < in semicircle )
4.Angle formed by a tangent of a circle and a chord throught its point of contact is equal to the angle in the alternate segment (alt. segment theorem)
CYCLIC QUADRILATERALS ; all 4 vertices lying on the circumference
1.Opposite angles in a CQ are supplementary (< s in opp. segments)
2.In one side of the CQ, exterior angle formed = interior opp. angle. ??? lol
well that's all for today
after school went to Mac
thn i took the cheesburger for lynn
but apparently i took the wrong one!
thn lynn bit into it alr
and so did i
so when the person came to serve her special order,...!!!
lol in the end we got a free burger ;p
went home alone and slep for awhile on the mrt
ahah nearly missed my stop.
had music clinic.
mmmm new pond. HAHA
but no fishes. too small i guess
sang woyaokuaile and it turned out all screwed
sang lu by fish, and it wasnt any better
no praises for me today ):
went to do some shopping after mc at town
no more GSS anymore. ):
Saturday, July 22, 2006
ok. today can be considered a rather fun day
at the start it wasnt too great
and it didnt end nicely
here goes my superbly detailed post
had a thrashing session
which i was pretty late for ;p
i think there was nothing much against me
well, except from the usual comments from yujie
so i wasnt really affected. heard about it alr what
haha. i dont know whether i'm gona change..
but seriously, that's the way i am luh.
but sometims i do show my feelings
maybe yall just didnt notice. or i didnt make it too obvious
so that's all
well it sucks because it apparently,
some people, oh no, person, doesnt want to admit to his faults!
and best of all, he even said some people werent worthy to critcise him
WOW, you're the ultimate
let's get more to this interesting person till the back ya?
had lunch at the newly opened jap
lol my set was the last. so sad
went back to sch and left for national stadium
since the bus broke down, sec 3s got separated
and i took 2/8's bus!
had a nice talk with peixuan. jiayou! ;D
mmm. had dinner, and went to get milo
came back to find ppl missing
didnt say much till bout 1 hr later!
that's when we got worried. so we went to look for them
at first we werent too happy bout it
but it was short-term. didnt last long
however this incident, shone some light onto SOMEBODY'S character
interesting isnt it?
after that we really got to some dancing and that's when i really got so hyped
especailly the finale!
gayed with ellise. ;p
to the beat of absolutely everybody
ahahah. but the feet part is true! ):
i overstretched my muscle. sad case.
so when we got all so hyped up, we started dancing the shaking of the upper body
i dont know what's the move is called, but dont read too much into it.
thn suddenly we heard laughing,
turned back and saw the bunch of NS men(AI's) laughing at us!!!
it was total humiliation~ especially since they were copying our move!! ahh. lol
stood in the circle and when the finale ended, someone knocked into me!
i screamed and was thinking wth? ahaha turned back and gotta shock of my life!
chen wei lian!!! lol. thn he apologised in his nosy voice.
oh ya, he put on braces. cool.
then gurmit singh came down too,
ellise shook his hand then i threw my hands up in the air (saying hi)
thn he offered his hand! he prolly thought i wanted to shake it too!
ahhaha another humiliation. cus i didnt shake it in the end. xD
last of all, we were singing this year's national day song
of course we added some hand movement
ellise swung her right, and then her left arm
so she ended up giving the "hug" signal
thn this guy wanted to reciprocate!!! LOL
was laughing my ass off
i guess that's all for the fun times.
happiness is evanescent . short-lived in other words.
i like to act cheem. ha dont mind me! ;p
great minds talk about ideas
average minds talk about events
shallow minds talk about people
i'm not that great. i'm pretty average
but today, i cant help but being shallow
i learnt something extremely disturbing in somewhere in the afternoon
and yea, it sucks, big time
and to think i placed such trust in you.
oh yaye, this is an event. so i'm not tht shallow. YET
this interesting person
has a goal in life
he wants to be NO.1 on people's hate list
well congratulations! you have succeeded!
with your bolstering ego
with your self-centred thinking,
you have proved to be worthy of our hatred.
do you really think our concern for our friends is so insignificant?
not worth the trip back? or is it just pure laziness
insenstive to people, even after the thrashin eh?
how come after about 2 years,
your basics isnt up to standard
why i think your leg is made of gold!
so heavy it cant be lifted
and so is your mouth. during warm-ups that is
during class, your mouth is just full of shit.
normal dance time is no exception of course.
perharps face is too important to you
perharps talking to individuals work better for you
less face to lose right?
but dance is a REALLY HUGE group
so use your brain to think.
ahh! thn you'll start saying things like oh i'm so clever ... ...
it's totally different. what is results if your chracter sucks
hot-headed. trying to use brawns eh?
what? you're a good BOXer?
or are you trying to prove you're a sadist?
seeing people in pain brings joy to you
think you have the brains and the brawns?
think again
people might not be perfect,
but your imperfections are so imperfect,
i have nothing else to say. except
try to change.
Friday, July 21, 2006
hmmm, today i got back my phyiscs results
16/25 one more mark to b3 ):
nothing to be proud of, but on the other hand; nothing to be ashamed of too!
it's over alr anw
mr chow helped us to study smarter by printing out information
for that, we are thankful and his notes are greatly appreciated!
well from today onwards
this blog shall be put to great use!
it shall be my tool for revision
i hope that everyday i can do a recap on my day's lesson
realise i blog about events
not about the meaningful things i learn in my day
so i'm gona include both!!!
so today i had dance (event)
i learnt that we must always keep our backs straight!(things i learnt)
hug your thigh close to your chest to stretch your thigh muscle
always turn out whatever you do
because you dont want elephant thighs or calves
ok this are things i've learnt!
and i get a sense of sastifaction knowin i completed all these
yay me! ;D
sad, cnt support cuitian tmr
cus i have ndp training
Thursday, July 20, 2006
ahaha today's thrsday,
got my tie!
thanks to peixuan
havent return to her yet
ahaha. nearly got a heart attack for the first period
mdm sia was doing her rounds of checking
i was scribbling like mad mans!
damn tht adrenaline rush! lol. luckily she started with the boys first
i completed on time! ;D
poor thing didnt bring pe shirt
i realise we have same pe period as 3/5!
sigh, but we dont talk tht much dont we?
so anyway, nice mr quek let me n lynn play tho we werent in attire
but we had to help him tie de string luh. ahaha
walau, mr lau dragged his period by 10 mins. eating into our recess!!!
ok. but his slides were rather interesting ;p
had free time during chem
ppl were taking the re-test
well i passed. but not quite up to my own expectations
haha but i'm lucky to pass la. so few ppl did!
well anw i got 54 i think. lol
so we were in the library, supposed to study geog
well i did..thn i played scrabble with jamie and xinyi ;D
ahahha it was so fun, i had a "V" left
and i put it below "L" and was like. counted counted! LV!
well see how lame we were? jamie's another retard, keep putting her "iiui"
says it's an expression or sth. HAHA!
thn we went for assembly
the chinese dancer looks super lot like zheng ning!!!
her name is grace. *note to self: rmb to ask zn bout it! lol
had geog lesson afterwards
studied like mad for the test
only to be announced tht it's postponed. to tmr!
aha. i'm sppose to be preparing for it now.
method of cultivation!!!
had chinese tuition
slack too much
kill me or sth
had dance as usual
ndp pract, so.. no slacks and whatsoever!
not that it's a really good thing...
but you know, fbts are prolly one of the most comfy things ever!
lol but mr low asked us to do some dirty stuff like rolling on the floor and crawling
so pretty bad abrasions. lol
heck, dance's like that. used to it ;D
water does wonders
and so does soap. hehs
had tuition at lynn's house again
went striaght to her hse after eating 1A currypok
lynn said it shud be currypuff
thn when her mom asked her what she ate, she said currypok
!@#$, loser ;p
thn we slept together, of course we didnt do anything
no wait, lynn did!
she started acting cute, and seriously, i almost died
due to the overwhelming i-dont-know-what.
haha. thn we had tuition
blablabla. i like chemistry. i hope i do well in ct2 and eoy!
hopefully my C becomes a B ;p or even btter, A! lol fathope
Monday, July 17, 2006
you know what happens when you think too much?
you'll be burdened
and when that happens, there's gona be this huge lump
swelling, getting bigger by the second, pressurising against your chest
so what i'm gona do now is get it off
no worries
havent' seen
after posting this
i'm gona curse myself
whole lot of them
live with it bear with it
ok so it's monday today
i didnt blog for sat and sun ;p
here goes!
had lesson till 12
got a pathetic 5/10 for physics mcq
so sad ):
lol well anyway had ss and damn no words can be used to describe how sucky it was
then the climax of the day!!
he was SO nice
he fetched us to holland v, then we had nasi lemak
he even watnted to treat us to drinks!
but how could we be so mean and impose on him. so ya. nono
went to get our food thn...
the guy asked cui whether she wanted cumcumbers
thn she said no to the most delicious thing ever!!
of course i protested violently
thn the guy was SO nice too! not as nice as mrchow tho)
he gave a lot a lot of cucumbers to me!
thn we crapped a little at th table
laughing at poor cuitian who seemed to be sputtering the wrong things the whole day!
ahah so it was bout time and we left for sch without daph and cui
yaye! so much free space at th back ;p
in sch; no one took away mr chow's pram!
ahahah he left it there to make space for us. so nice right?
the BEST teacher ever!!! ;D
so anyway went upstaris to get ready for the o level listening
lol. the music wasnt tht relaxing at all
but still i slept a little
only to wake up to feelin woozy
the paper was alright i guess
just tht the last passage was...diaozxz. ya u get th picture
thn mommy fetched me home! ;D
had to do cip
so woke up early in the morning at 8
but i still reached there half an hour late
due to heavy rain
and ahah determined to slack on my bed for a while
so ya, got there just in time
cip was quite slack i sppose.
i didnt get to wear any costume, which is a good thing!
heehee just needed to introduce the new year's eve to the mp
but apparently seeing both lynn and me without costumes, she skipped us!
way to go mans.
we took loads of photos that day
ah call me a poser ;p
went to mc after tht.
lol sang weiyiaidejiushini
apparently my love for the song wasnt tht strong anymore
so the feel wasnt there.
changed to woyaokuaile and got a better respnse from jeremy
yaye ;D
had a small chat with the css ppl. nothing great actually
mommy came soon and home i went
ahaha it's the ne show, for the primary 5 kids
basically it's the same thing again, the make up in national indoor stadium
without moisturizer again ):
no more clean sponge anymore!
cus the sec3s are like the LAST to do the makeup
damn tht sucks. ew ew ew
now i've got pimple outbreak. ack
so anyway ate KFC for dinner
swear imma abstain from kfc -.-
during the show, i heard all the primary 5 kids singing so loudly
ahhh. brings me back to the past when i was just like them too
everyone was so hyped up
espeically since we had sucha nice song for tht year!
well anyway i think the some sec1s are really THAT despo
getting attention from soka guys are like so. unwelcomed
what's up in tht puny brain of yours.
dont think you're all tht, cus you arent. ack
Friday, July 14, 2006
ok. finally i;m back to posting
has been a really busy week. (i suppose)
had dance practice. rather slack
we did warm-ups and a brush-up on our basics
but apparently basic wasnt very basic wasnt it?
lol you can tell from all the sore muscles everyone would be getting
ha. but this' just the start. not even the beginning.
DIE juniors DIE. have a taste of a dancer's life ;PP
mr/s*** said sth i wasnt really happy about
but!!! she apologised! how's that ;D
had physics test
damn what a killer!!!
had pe today! miracleously.. we went down early!
cus we were playing volleyball!!! heehee
fell in love with it on sm's bday ;D
um then waited for lynn's spa to end
did maths hw. so proud of myself!
thn we both left for my house
to do europe presentation
taking 188 reminds me of the freaky encounter
which cui would know!!!
i'll never take bus alone again. haha kidding. not really
ok anw, i was doing all the work while loser lynn burrowed into my bed
tsktsk. expected
thn went down at 6.45 waited for a long time for her mom
so she called and her mom tot lynn said 7.45!!!
haha went to the playground and saw a buncha kids.
childish and immature. but hey, we were once like tht too.
ok thn lynn's mom came. home i went~
dance again of course
cnt really rmb much stuffs
just tht flag barriers went through the finale
was chosen to go on stage!!!
yayeness ;DD
had chem tuition
went through physics cus of test
ahaha i think i geddit!
Monday, July 10, 2006
ahahah this is gona be another long post
i only have myself to blame ):
had social studies
got caught by th prawn again!!!
i think it's more like a routine alr -.-
catch me
make me stand, if not answer questions
during lunch we played games again
so fun! especially laughing at lynn. the loser xD
ahaha had english presentation next
miss kali said our group was good! heehee
umm. had english debate. and the girls won!
mommy fetched us to 7mile where i got lunch
dropped cui n lynn and went home for tuition
siannn almost fell asleep. haha
just in time for amazon!
today's on army ants
cool mans, wiped out a wild boar to its bones in like...??? mins? haha
supposedly cui's last day ):
but nice jeremy let her continue!!!
i think our group's gona dismantle
zn and pl cnt make it for sunday classes anymore,
marcus' stopping for psle
alexis.. is like never there
left with me alone....???
good bye vs42 ))):
well anyway, found out it was jeremy's bday last friday
well after our swensen dinner
which happens to be crayfish pasta for me, (absolutely delicious!)
we headed for heeren to take neos
as a form of present to jeremy ya?
afterall all these while we have been giving him the small leftovers. LOL
so ya (: hope he'll appreciate it!!!
after tht we all headed home cus it was late
and there was sch tmr -.-
NDP rehearsal preview
think the call group really improved a lot
due to mr low's charisma! (one of the leadership qualities)
learnt a lot from sam's leadership course.
took a personaility test too
bascially the results are as follows;
i make a great communicator, someone who's loud and a pure i girl
and it all boils down to the fact tht i'm noisy ok. ahha
but that's for my public self.
i is for influencer/ inspirer
as for my private self,
i'm the exact opposite of my public self
which isnt good
tht i dont know why.
when i'm alone, i'm the logical thinker.
studies are one of my top priority as pointed out by sam
and hey it's true
but i still dont know why is it bad.. ):
that's sad
so my perceived self. like what i wana be in the future
is the same as my public self!
but this time i have a little bit of S
S is somewhat a kind of solidarity. the more solemn kind
but still, the almighty i beats S hands down. lol.
kidding. i'm a mixture of both!
in the future i want to be like my public self instead of who i really am in private
that's why peoply think i have no worries
resulting in the impression tht i'm fake?
so now you all know that's not the case!
in private i share my woes. with. myself :O
but!! in future, i hope to be the same be it public or private
haha but i think it's so dumb
i mean there's nothing for you to be high about when there's only youself
i dont know ;x
that's the end of the test
ndp rehearsal was held in the national indoor stadium
took some photos
will post them when i geddit from kaiwen. lol
but our makeup sucked
professionals turned out to be trainees from cosmoprof
tsktsk. but ohwell. i love the airconditoned environment!!
the food was kfc! this time it was the fillet burger, mash potato and crispy chicken
much better thn syf!
and oya!!! the sun-less place
i was so dumb to apply sun block. HAHA
hannbin was still laughing at me on the way back to sch!
which reminds me, everyone was laughing SO hard
ok maybe just me
played ultraman with kaiwei and it was so amusing.
people ard me were laughing damn hard too!
maybe laughing at me, not with me tho ;x haha heck
it was half-day!!!
had dance pract in the morn so i arrived in pe attire
yes! ;D
we left for sentosa feeling like naughty students who skipped sch
lol. so we reached thr bout 12
just when the sun rays' were at it hottest!!!
we crossed the bridge at palawan bridge and called it home
ahah cliche, no. we just settled there. x)
played a e i o u, mr wolf and more games!
we had loadsa fun (:
shortly after zengye and gang arrived
lol gang, guishan and ben to be exact
they came with a volleyball and a frisbee
played with them
i think i improved a lot on them!!!
damn i'm good
thn i think i was getting a lil woozy
so went into the shade with foocuicui
took pictures as usual! LOL
shall post them sometime later, when she uploaded it tht is. ha
thn we went to take a shower. and blablabla
ate at noodle hut at harbourfront hub place???
haha bad service ):
but quite nice food i guess. we were so hungry everything tasted heavenly!
we havent had a bite since what? the "lunch" at harbourfront interchange
lol. we had dinner at 9 i think
reached home at 10 sth
thanks to sohmin's dad who fetched me home!!!
that's damn nice. (if not later)
sian i know my chem result
it's pretty screwed compared to lynn, 21
and mine, 13.5
but the good news is i passed!
during lunch we played fun games like a e i o u and mr wolf with wr sm lynn and tong
ahahha had great fun ;p
Sunday, July 09, 2006
mmm been rather busy. heehee
i really feel like blogging
these few days are one of the few happiest days i ever had since school started
i will try to remember every detail
below is my summary in case i forget which day is which ;p
but for now, toodles~!
thursday; had fun during lunch time(extracted from kwr's blog xD)
friday; half day, went to sentosa
saturday; ndp rehearsal preview
sunday; TODAY mc + swensens
i think blogger dates are screwed.
i think
but before i leave,
ihopeyouenojoyedyourself. ;D
Friday, July 07, 2006

and all this ends with another group picture! 

me and cui again! well, one of our fave. picts ;D *damn tht hunched-back ): 

and that's all of us (: 


and yes. that's tony and us ;D 

well presenting to you "S.H.E"! 
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
aha! not a post since thursday.
damn that sucks
so it'll date all the way back to friday
using up precious time!!!
noooo. heck
i hate maths
had chem test today
screwed up bad
like wth? i just did it the day before
sian sian sian -______-
total suck.
had some "fun" after school
lol. my chinese oral
i know ******!
happy. shalala! ;D
after sch ate lunch with mommy at clem
go home
watch tv
watch tv
go lynn's house for tuition
stupid cui. late for tuition again!
one more time and we won't let you in anymore! ;p
monday was youth day!
got so hyped bout it on sunday night
had tuition in the morning so cnt blame me for being late!
took 190 alone
read perfect match on the bus since i was alone
reading books are good!
1. kill time
2. potray a studious image
met up with cui n lynn at pepper lunch
gay lynn filled in the feeback form with all the twit-ings
in cuitian's name of course xD
haha thn went to zara to check out some stuff
wanted to get shorts. but not my size. darns
well lynn got a top tho
cool. double-sided
thn while waiting for weiru we went to guess
damn i love tht heels ):
and saw somebody else wearing it at taka
only makes me wana get it more -.-
thn we went separate ways at the carpark
apparently me and weiru said we wanted to scratch all the branded cars
which we were kidding of course
thn cui and lynn left
so we gayed about in the lift
it doesnt go to the 8 storey! haha so shocking
ohya i checked out jelly in jelly
darn. it's not as good as i thought.
but still~! i dont care
i'm getting a swatch ;D
ied to lynn n cui we were at heeren's alr
called them later only to realise they were at wisma!!
sian. so me n weiru went to heeren outselves
shopped around
took neos
lynn and cui arrived. left for wheelock.
ate starfruit on the way!
reminds me of the starfruit trees near my old house. haha
thn got into birkenstock
yaye! my model has phased out!
now i won't be seeing too many ppl with the same pair ;p
but i must admit there are nicer models around. shuddaf looked out for more designs in germany ):
was rushing for time so we didnt go to the zara at wheelock anymore
headed for fareast to check out weiru's dress!
ahha reached there only to find another dress
nicer too!
so she n cui bought it.for a freaking 25. so cheap xD
i guess it can serve as a top too! coolness.
took 171 with lynn back
waited alone for 67
cant read anymore ;x too dark. lol
told the others about my dream
how could they say i'm despo! ):
but it's damn funny la. hahaha
a total cute guy was doing cpr for me
thn i got revived and the first thing i said was....!!!
can you do it again
that's about it. ciao!
sunday is ndp pract
cus saturday was taken up by performance
so too bad i miss mc ):
class got cancelled anw. since zn couldnt make it too
yay no peter xD
ok so we didnt get pizza hut anymore >;(
that's bad. but we got a generous portion of chicken rice with brocoli and some fried thingy
so i didnt finish it
and we got cornetto(th fake one tho)! i love straweberry ;p
mmm slacked for quite some time, esp since nh is the last performance -.-
but we could watch the rehearsal!
well saw gurmit, michelle, jean danker in person
not to forgot gong si jia
lol yujie pronounced gong as the blur ; gong3
well actually it's gong1!
ha. cnt rmb much details
but we forgot to bring the sash. like !@#$
damn. we had to rely on this senior (who looks like 715!, mouth only xD)
to cab back to nh to geddit.
tht's why laoshi say nhds will not survive w/o the support of seniors.
mmm... now it's starting to make more sense.
lol hannbin kope a drumstick
and he said anyhow it belong to the 3 legendary bands. HAHA
yaye our peformance
people like weiru sohmin liting came to support us!
but gay weiru thought i was at the back so she strained her neck to look out for me
whn i was just right in front of her! (literally tht is)
thn shes dam lag too. laughed after everyone was done with it
cos of the looking out of ******. meanies ;p
lol. poor zhipeng didnt get to shake hands with theresa anymore cus they left straight away
we had kfc for dinner!
everyone was SO excited
but!!! in the end we got shrooms burger and 4 nuggets
but wts? shrooms without mushrooms? >;(
no fair. i like mushrooms.
and they gave mayo too. out of point -.-
no fish! but hey i like to eat fish
makes me clever too ;D
well i guess that's explains much of my overwhelming intelligence ;p
friday was ???
dance again i bet.
short practice cus of syf on saturday x)