Thursday, August 31, 2006
performed for the teachers' day
sec 3 dancers were the finale
and we didnt let anyone down!
everyone thought it was a great performance, right?
this year's return to my pri sch is...
full of emotions. haha
i had no idea,
perharps it's because i went into the sch building alone
and i got in via the back gate
which was different since i had always used the main gate
reminded me of the silly past,
duck walking trying to look for that "boat"
too bad this time i saw none!!!
i wanted to bring one home. hahaha
yep, that was when i felt overwhelmed. heh
but everything was disrupted when i saw C.A.Hs -.-
okay got into the canteen and everyone's like whoa!
but of course, it was no biggie
everyone guessed that i had a performance earlier on, hence the hair and makeup
lol went to say hi to mrs kwek first
was rather apologetic when i saw how much gifts she had ;x
but she said me returning was the best present (:
thn wenta joined 6L ppl
didnt talk much to ms chang. haha
saw wanying,
went over to say hi and catch up a lil
her voice is still as sweet as ever man!
thn i gave her a hug and said i missed her
at that point of time, i was thinking what a liar i am
but she said she saw me during ndp and she was telling her family that was me on tv
i was like damn... she still rmbs me
thn i started reminiscing about the times i went to her house and all
when i was such a familar face to her family
we were so close.. ah well.
i do miss her afterall.
thn.. we wre chased outta bpps by mr chia
lol. still using the loudhailer
proceeding towards the backgate...
i saw alicia and wanyee
they were wearing identical tops
i felt... sad? hahaa
i mean, me and wanyee used to be so close
that stinks...i guess our friendship couldnt withstand the distance test
walked towards th lrt, preparing to go home, change thn go town
lol but decided against it in the end.. so i follwed the crowd to lot 1
went to the cinema, and we watched lovewrecked even thought it was showing alr xD
but we didnt miss anything!
when we got in, it was the opening song!
yep, quite a funny show, retarded in fact lol
jonathan bennett is so cute!
way much cuter than chris whatever whatever ;p
i'm so gona catch smallville from today onwards!
after that we stoned at a corner..
even after the arrival of zhaorui we were at a loss on what to do
so we walked about aimlessly
and at last, we ended up at the foodcourt
lol only jerome n mingjie ate
thn the girls and keeyao played thumbs up
shortly after keeyao joined the guys in this funny game
thn everyone joined in to play the number game!
ahahaha only joanne, yingxin and keeyao got to do the forfeits
lol it was damn funny, jo had to do starjumps in front of the chicken rice stall
thn she was supposed to count the no. of trays and tell the uncle
but he looked rather pissed. so forget it...
thn keeyao had to kiss the catcus! lol
from my angle, it was as clear as crystal man... HAHAH
too bad he kissed it too quickly!
didnt manage to take a pict ):
on the whole, i am very lucky!
because i am in the middle of joanne and keeyao!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

lastly, one "full" length shot with zn! ahahah ;p 

ok, me and cui now, looks kinda weird ): 

and us again, impersonating s.h.e.. LOL 

wooh! that's us ;p 

everyone had a spasm attack xD 

ah yes, my stylish styled hair ;p 

ok this was on th 27th, audition day 

as you can see, my stylish styled hair. heehee 
Monday, August 28, 2006
blog while i can!
i still owe june hol hw! ):
and an argumentative essay
how un-cool -.-
had dance again
wore weiru's trackpants
yaye!!! i just realise trackpants are kinda cool!
it may be body-hugging
but from afar, it looks like codrouy!!!
k nvm
practised a lil
there's more tmr!
woke up really early!
despite sleeping late on sat ):
so i woke up, dressed exactly th same as mc 3rd anni
and off i went to zanny's house
is it me or is her house humongous?
hell yeah it is.
there's like a swimming poool
and a huge backyard!
went to her room to do some hairstyling
got lazy after numerous attempts to style my hair
so zanny helped me ;D
well, i suppose i can post some pictures,
only when lazy foo upload it first tho ;p
thn zn's mom fetched us to hdb hub
mmm the stage was quite big i guess
the sound system was ooook
but the stairs were shaking and all!
was so afraid i would trip or sth
we sang the first
which was early in the morning
ok maybe not tht early. haha
but i just wana emphasize tht there wasnt a very big crowd yea?
as the event progressed more people stopped to join in the crowd
but of course, they missed the most important performance, ours! ):
haha not really
there were two guys and they were damn good
depsite only learning for 3 months ;x
we learnt... for one yr alr? AHAHA
we didnt perform up to standard i think..
was feeling jittery!!!
urgh. o wells xD
took train to town
it was totally deserted!!!
what happened mans!
took neos
yepyepyep x)
bought sweets
got really bored
i guess everyone was feeling tired..
so off we went to hmv
to look ard
we ended up watching ice age
thn me n zn left for mc
while cui met val
the moment we reach mc we rushed to drink water
was SO thirsty!
aahahah thn we had lesson
whereby jeremy taught us how to differentiate a good and bad singer
good; ah-mei
bad; rainie
i guess it has something to do with the flow of the song
especially when you have to sing the music, not the lyrics
i know it's rather abstract
but yeah, just like tht
and it sucks ): cus apparently despite the 1 year,
i am still singing the lyrics
and i had never grasped a single song before ):
that's really bad
on the other hand, i fared quite well for english songs
and my upbringing and my environment is the main cause of it
cus i dont speak much chinese ^^
so basically, influence can change how you sing!!!
i'm so gona listen to more chinese songs xD
audition audition!
meanie zanny prompted cal to put my name first!!!
was so scared!!! ;x
after the guys went, i was the first girl!
lol thn tony taught us this method,
using eyepower
we have to stare really hard into thh auditioner's eyes
if he look away, we win!
LOL i think i did stared at his face. mainly cause of his emoo specs?
ahaha. i hope he thought i was "confident" enough since i could stare at his face xD
oh wells.
turns out that he used to learn dance from mr low too!
how cool is tht!
but nopes, not a nan hua senior x)
when i went out i was still damn nervous!!!
actually i think i kinda screwed up my song
everything's much better when there's jeremy ):
lol i had no one to turn to when i got out
luckily alexis was there!
i was like hugging her. lol
cus my heart was literally hammering in my chest!!!
plus it was pretty cold too.
thn tony was like damn funny
(jokingly) he opened his sweater and said sth about his sweater being very warm and all
HAHAHA ok. nvm he's like one animal cycle older than me
dont get th wrong idea xD
Saturday, August 26, 2006
heh eh lo
went for dance early in the morning
turns out that i'm in the front row for pump it!!!
how... un-cool
it would have been cool if i could dance like a pro
but fact,
i'm having problems even memorising the steps!
and there's no one in front of me to steal glances at
or to block me ):
ah well, will try to survive
TRY really hard
went for maths tuition
i think we've accomplished quite a lot of things today
we went throught some trigo stuff
like how All Science Teachers are Crazy
and how you must also indicate the north in bearings
the angle of elevation is the same as the angle of depression
after tht lynn's mom fetched me to th bus stop
waited for rebe leong for quite sometime
took 66
got kinda lost
ended up at high park instead of signature park -.-
asked a lot of passer-bys for directions
finally reached
didnt eat much
but yinghui's cake is humongous!
i wanted the kiwis and the peaches and the strawberries
how greedy
in th end i got blueberry and longan
neverthless, yummy (:
we gathered at this spot
which was quite dirty! lol i was like wearing white shorts?
ahaha, thn we arranged candles into yinghui's name
and the rest forming a heart shape surrounding it (:
sweet aint it?
but we were quite unsuccessful.
due to the darned wind -.-
grr in th end yinghui got an inperfect heart and name
still, we were quite close
ahaha i think we made her real happy tho (:
stayed back to practise the dance steps
in heels! damn were they some killer!
lol thn went to yinghui's house to have a seat and witnessed man u's frist goal
had dance as usual
not many people turned up tho... esp the sec 2s
but still, i guess i was a lil rusty and i felt quite... helpless?
like even lifting a finger was considered a chore
cant help it tho,
was having this spiltting headache!
after dance, ellise me n ivy walked home
thn zixiang called ivy
and he waited for her
awww (:
thn we crapped at mac
and slacked thn went home
got back most of my results
i guess i did quite okay
with an average of 63
i know some people are getting 50s
so i should be contented
but still,
63 is insufficient for me
i was so disappointed
this sucks
Thursday, August 24, 2006
i can buy you a car,
i can buy you a plane,
i will buy you a cake,
but the first two are fake
i can buy you a car,
i can buy you a plane,
i will buy you a cake,
but the first two are fake
long day..
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

end this round of pictures with memories of eating kfc. ack. that'll keep me away for quite sometime xD 

aha! mirror mirror on the wall. 

heehee me and grace! ;D 

yaye our ai! ;D 

yaye peter gan! ;D 
today was the last day of our ct!
physics is finally over
but judging from the answers given
i'll get an a2 at MOST
it's alright
i could settle for a b3
although i wana get an a to do mr chow proud ):
mmm went through hist test
surprisingly i did better for sbq
because of my last-minute-didnt-feel-like-doing qn 1b
LOL praise the lord!
well my major flaw in my seq was the i didnt went into thorough details
as in, not evaluating all the factors strongly enough
that's sad
didnt bring me up to level 5 ):
but of course i am contented ;D
after school i went to sonia's house
i mean... i knew there was dance and all
but i promise i'll put in extra effort into the next practice
this time i really wanted to go to sonia's house
because i was really looking foward to it
and this kinda chance for me being free...isnt easy
imagine when syf nears
i dont even think i have the time for such stuffs anymore
sure u might be pissed
i saw it coming
but i was hoping you would understand
watched she's the man!
ahaha so funny
i wana be a man! ;D
reminds me of wang shao wei!!!
thn played a lil of pictionary and everyone left ;p
Sunday, August 20, 2006
woke up early in the morning
watched tv; ai qing mo fa shi at 1!
lol. lotsa kissing scenes
but it was damn funny. ahaha~
mmm th song's rather meaningful.
it complements the storyline
all about this water maze
still, cool. if s'pore had'll be the ultimate!!! ;D
thn went over to sohmin's house
supposedly to study
but uh... xD
never mind
thn we walked to bpp
nothing much
cnt believe i spent 7 bucks on bread! );
ahahah drank sweet talk
but i ordered extra green apple jelly
thn it got super difficult to drink!!!
was rather humiliating
since everytime i tried to drink,
i ended up slurping loudly -.-
ok nvm, now i'm home
posted some cropped photos
i think i'm good ;D

and then a decent looking one! 

too cute to be true huh 

shitou and sam! 

us and the banner! 
Friday, August 18, 2006
as you can see, i can FINALLY blog
because, common test is coming to an end!
i hope all my effort is gona pay off man...!
let's see...
i had theeeeee almighty, overpowering all papers, A.Maths paper!
in fact, this paper wasnt as difficult as i thought it would be!
i used my mighty-er powers to subdue it. heh heh
well of course i can pass. but doing well's another story
obviously i didnt do the last qn, tht's 6 marks gone
i aint good with sets so let's just say 3 marks' gone?
and lastly, i plotted tht bloody graph in th last few minutes!
kept re-doing it cus i couldnt get the straight line
only to realise... i didnt change my eqn to y=mx+c form!
now tht sucked
so i completed it. but not totally.. minus only 3 marks if all goes well...
had some fun in the library, played scrabble
i miss playing online scrabble alr...
and blablabla
we had geog lesson
i mean, real lesson.
and i was concentrating all along
damn i'm good!
oya, got back chem paper!
i'm good at predicting results
i predicted lynn should get ard a high 30 - 40 and it's true!
smartass! highest in class (: 39.5! hehs
as for myself, i predicted correctly too!
30-34, and alas! 33.5 ;D
at first i thought i got 25.5 only.
was so disappointed cus it would mean my chem results are stagnant
so yaye, i'm pleased with my results (:
ok...ate lunch in sch, pathetically pathetic.
cus i'm like broke. and it means getting more money from daddy
who only has 50 dollar notes, and doesnt want to give em' to me ):
now i'm gona starveee
thn mummy came at 2.45
sch ended at 2!
mommy came even later then lynn's mom! when i was supposedly fetching lynn
before tht we went into nus high
just for fun. all those time we had to kill.
so yea, the track's pretty! like bloody red. aha.
mommy finally came and off we went to bpp
had to retrieve my a.maths txtbook which i left at th shop
and change the necklace!
bought it but broke it
fixed it but too short
the auntie was so nice!!!
she gave me a matching bracelet!
free! i mean, she just dumped the exchanged neckalce and th bracelet in
now i feel bad for trading a "repaired" necklace for a new one
but i was very meticulous in fixing it!
pliers and all. ahaha
next time i'll just buy from stuff frm there ya? ;D
happy happy! mr lau said i did quite well for ct hist ;D
having problems with math
so after i went to bpp with th usuals
did lotsa circular measure and had a sense of sastifaction (:
thn gay lynn didnt wana lemme go home!
in the end, i rannnnnnnnn away!
she gave chase
but chopsticks are no match for muscles xD
mm hmm, boarded th lrt and tada~
i was home
retrieved th necklace i bought
cut the tag and sth terrifying happened!
all th beads started falling out
all these happened in a spilt sec!
so fast i was dumbfounded
i was soooooooooo sad ):
thn i had a beaded-floor -.-
spent the rest of my day stringin it back
and hell.. it was damn tedious!
thn studied some math
thn sleep
hmm what was i doing? lol
i had papers on tht day.. but i cnt rmb what
prolly sth i screwed up. like geog and e.math
maybe they were taken on tht day
geez..i forgot xD
but i rmb going to KAP after school!
oh yeah, we were studying e.math so it cnt be on wednesday
mmmm.. well it sucked anw
we really studied there
and i'm proud to say it outtt loudd!
hyuk hyuk hyuk.
-laughs like reggie from archie comics
gone were those days
those comic-reading days are so over ):
Friday, August 11, 2006
had history common test today!
had my book and notes confiscated early in the morn!!!
bitch. my notes were my life!
stuided so hard for chapter 4 and yet
ONLY the policy of appeasement came out ):
hmm never mind. alll i hope is tht i do well! ;D
minimum of 3As ;p free meal! wahaha
thn had lessons, did well for chem. very very happy!
made up for my pathetic 4 marks scored for maths ):
after school i had to go for 2006 dance exco election
which i happen to know just a few hours beforehand!
how come i dont know all these kinda stuff!
including the shitou outing ):
sorry sorry sorry!
the election results were...okay
i guess even if my ideal candidate didnt get into the exco it's fine
since we are all sec 3s and we have to support our own batch right?
thn i went to town, met up with aries and beihan
whom i happen to misss a lot a lot a LOT!
so glad i went down to town. aha
ate triple C, bought from chippy!
yaye wonderful wonderful.
walked more until heeren!
wheee. i cnt imagine wearing heels to shop
cus those few hours with sch shoes one were bad enough!
got nth except earrings. bleahh
the bus ride home was damn crappy~
squash you, squash you, squash you squash you squash you!
sing it to the schnappi tune! ahaha
we were being mad
two girls in front of us said
let's take photos!
me and weiru thn played along and posed behind them ;p
tht's all!
below are PHOTOS!
of my short NDP journey
i'll sure miss it!

flag barriers again. our last photo by kaiwen at indoor stadium~ 

flag barriers (: *look at meiting's styled hair, not at my screwd one! ;p 

now it's August, our last performance. we had fun too!!! 

and that was our finale rehearsal... all these; July 

we were having so much fun! 

on the steps... played scissors paper stone ): 

STONE! ;D look at mah sexayeee legs ;p June... a long time ago ): 
Thursday, August 10, 2006
today i'm staying home
tmr's the start of ct2. ;D
ah well, hope i do well!
wooh. cnt believe NATIONAL DAY'S OVER!
just yesterday, we werent too high actually
in fact last practice was much better.
i think the games made us high (:
thn i decided to play scissors paper stone w yujie
and hooray! we got a lil higher!
therefore i conclude, scissors paper stone makes us high!
thn alyssa came and challenged me. she totally thrashed me -.-
lol it wasnt so bad w yujie. a mere 3 steps ;p
but al's like... ugh! but i'll sure miss playing it at indoor stadium
on the long steps...
i doubt there's gona be a second time anymore... ):
it's kinda hard to believe everything's over. cus we've been practising since forever.
so it's like, sth's missing every saturday.
but still i'm thankful because our exams are ard the corner x)
i'll miss those carmelised biscuits! and everybody!
like peter gan and our AI (although we werent too close to them actly)
of course, pictures were taken! so this will be part of my memory ;D
not to forget the va-va-voom fireworks!
it was sooo pretty. cheryl recorded the whole thing down!
hehs. so reminiscing wouldnt be too much of a task ;p
i guess there's nth much... pictures could be uploaded when rebecca's done with it
but there's so much pictures lately
too many. too many. i doubt i'll upload everything.
afterall, it's for my own pleasure viewing! ;D
the last part, the "post party" consisted of photo taking and some crazy dancing
haha. of course, something sweet happened when the groovy music stopped.
a short video showing a woman... thn a man... it's like showcasing part of their lives,
their times spent together. and we were like huh? wth is tht for?
and yujie was like he's gona propose!
YEA! it was a proposal afterall! the video ended with..
ahaha. how sweet. x)
and yep, like any normal girl, she said yes and thy got onto the elevating stage
and kissed. lol~
that's the end of our journey
the end of the national stadium.
(good thing for the cleaners, thy dont have to clear up the mess.)
it was our school's celebration.
it was ok...
got off early
it was quite a disappointment since cheryl n sok ee left
everyone was looking foward to it!
especially since cheryl had this undying passion ;p
like me! heheehee
while th rest ate at mac,
me beca n lynn cabbed to bukit panjang plaza!
tht was when we spent loads of money!
i think i spend bout 10 bucks on food!!
ate venezia gelato...
reminds me of europe's ice cream
their serving there is like, humongous!
unlike singapore's... teeny weeny cup ):
3 bucks too!
i think at europe it's bout 3 sing too... -.-
ok nvm
watched model behaviour (this super old movie, starring justin timberlake)
ard the period of his debut.. u get th idea.
thn we watched the island about clones and all
very futuristic.
kinda cool but of course, doesnt seem very realistic ;p
thn we did some hair styling
didnt do anything to mine. lol
thn went home ;p
back to school!
forgot forgot forgot
Sunday, August 06, 2006
didnt go to music clinic...
planning to study later
tomorrow there's practice again
i badly wana do well for my common test
but i watched ai qing mo fa shi!
totally crap, but totally hilarious x)
ndp rehearsal
had buffet at school
kinda cool. ahaha
nice yujie and pple gave me sth special
that's greatly appreciated ;D thanks
it was blooddyyy hot yesterday
since we were kinda practising only
no pizza hut for us ):
ahah but i guess everyone's too full anyway.
after one run, felt a searing pain at my sole
rested and nice mr chow revised physics with me! ;D
thn this AI came and insisted i go to the medic centre
lol. the doct explained that my connective tissues are kinda inflammed
so i just need plenty of rest. hehs
so tht means no strenous excercises ;p
thn the ai needed to write my cause, thn he wrote sprained ankle
LOLLLL. cus he didnt know what's my real cause
but thn i gave the o.o look and thus, he went to ask the doct,
and to put it in simpler terms
thn the doct said
the inflammation of the sole's soft tissues
HAHAHA. in the end he wrote, sole pain x)
Saturday, August 05, 2006
it's not tht i dont wana blog,
be consistent
but lately i really dont have the heart too ):
cus things arent looking too good
but seriously.. i dont wana care anymore
concentrate on ct2! ;D
was feeling rather moody during the day ):
now i'm gorging on chocolates to make me feel better
not from europe but from holland! ;p
had dance
was feeling a lil woozy after warm-ups
in the end i fell asleep with yujie!
woke up feeling rather woozy too. lol
but it was damn cool!
first time i slept in dance! for bout an hour or so!!!
wooh. went to celebrate liting's birthday!
wahh fruit paradise! just my type! ;D
there was mango, banana, grapes, pears, apples, pineapples, jackfruit and peach!
all served with chocolate
like homemade fondue! heehee
thn we played twister!!!
prolly we dancers (yujie and xinjie)
were not used to doing stuff without warm-ups first
we all got cramps! LOL
mmm thn i got tired out and..
played the oreo game!
put it on my forehead and used my facial expressions to bring it down
i think potato chips would be better. but i'm quite pro alr right? ;D
cheryl lee got it in!! pffts. she cheated, started from her nose ;p
thn took mrt home...
i hope some kind soul picks it up and kindly returns it to the control tower or sth
or maybe he/she see my pretty face and decides not to let such an innocent and cute girl feel upset.... ):
all my neoprints and tht europe card is inside
pffts. bad bad bad.
in fact, my heart cringes at the thought of my poor wallet dumped in some bin
with all my precious neos together with it -.-
those were memories ok! sigh~
please please pleaseee
please let my wallet come back to me!
and the most idiotic part was tht i actually thought of changing my wallet since it was rather old
argh. i shall abolish such thoughts, never will i think this way again ):
but school was fun lah..
changed the ndp bag into a xrumpler ;p
i'm rather successful! heehee
during assembly we presented the europe trip to the school
sigh those memories i shall be kept in a special part of me ;D
had dance
oh man! it was a torture! lol
damn tiring ah
kinda vague... that's all! haha
mmm how can i remember much bout tues wehn i cnt for wednesday?
all i know is tht i had tuition
slept at lynn's house again heehee ;p
thank god she didnt act cute. i would have died on th spot x)
oya!!! we got locked outside
cus the wind blew the door shut
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
back from sohmin's house!
we tried out various hairstyles
big thanks to her for french braiding our hair x)
and perming mine. lol
i tied lynn's hair!
and she looked totally fresh
too bad she aint photogenic with tht hair ):
but when sohmin uploaded th photos, everyone will see how pro she is!
not to forget me too ;p
had chinese, totally shut off
wasnt paying attention
think it was sth bout writin an argumentative essay; lun zheng lun ju lun suo?
thn math
did revision i think...
social studies
argh totally forgot how different source a is from b HAVE TO INCLUDE BOTH SIDES!!!
and you have to make an inference, THN u support
ah i suck
didnt do really well for my ss test too
well at least i passed
considering th fact tht i didnt really study on deterrence!
i was oh so diplomatic ):
physics, wins the most interesting lesson of the day!
learnt about the electromagnetic spectrum
1. caused by oscillating electric charges, generating electric fields
2. vibrating movements, which causes magnetic fields to be generated and cause it to move like a wave
1. they are transverse waves
2. speed at 3x10^8 in vacum, like light rays, they undergo reflection and refraction too!
meaning it would bend? haha duno, but i know when it enters another medium it will slow down
And!! ***the frequency is constant! ;D
classification and application
the lower the frequency, the longer th wavelength; radio waves
`used in television broadcast and radio communication
`(they are short) sent out from transmitter, relected by ionosphere , thn picked up by th antenna
`used in satellite transmission for tv too! and telephone x)
`useful for places which are mountainous since thy are isolated and transmission by cables and wires = not feasible
infrared radiation
`household appliances; ear thermometer, remote controller
`security system (night vision) prevent unauthorised intrusion
`navigation during foggy weather
visible light
red travels the fastest, violet slowest
faster= refract lesser, slower, refract more
bend bend away!
`used in telecommunication thru the use of optical fibres
`medical fields; laser sugery, correction of myopia
ultraviolet radiation
`produce vitamine D in body
`sterilise dirty water
`detect counterfeits
`medial field; treatment of jaundice
x-rays radiation
`used in medical! and diagnostic tools for detection of fractures/ tooth decay
`also in engineering; detection of foreign objects in aircrafts lest they explode
gamma rays
` emits from radioactive atoms cosmic rays, nuclear explosions
`medical field; chemotheraphy and sterlisation of surgical tools
high frequency=high energy