Thursday, November 30, 2006
but i shant watch it. i feel damn lazy and SohMin has the vcd anyway
AND she has My Girl too !!!
i'm SO on a drama marathon
because Aries has just lent me Goong too !
eh, come to think of it i should have let Ming Jie have it first.
ahhhh, sorry ;0
im a greedy girl xD
sigh, i'm pretty sad now.
i have just uninstalled Hello (Picasa)
i have feelings for it ya knw !
it has been a wonderful experience uploading photos using Hello
but sigh... it has been rendered useless after i
whyyyyyy. kill me before i kill myself cruelly just like how i uninstalled Hello.
it's ByeBye now...
and she does.
because when she thinks about yesterday, or rather, looking at her dp
she feels happy all over again !
although sth really nasty happened ! RRRR >;|
let's see...
went over to Weiru's house first and i watched tv
played a few rounds of 99 and dai dee
thn when Weiru went to bathe, i played Goldfish with her sisters.
AND.. I LOST! to a SIX year old
ahhh, so embarrassing ):
thn Lynn came and we showed her nan hua prom photo montage taken by KaiWen
Nan Hua compared to other schools is totally nothing. ack
thn we realised BeiHannie and QiuPing was waiting for us outside Cashew Heights !
so off we went we reached there
played a few rounds of bridge and dai dee
thn everyone played murderer.
ahhh me and Weiru suck -.-
i cant wink for nuts AND
i admit i'm a very greedy girl
i tried to kill 4 people at a go
HAHAH. obviously i got caught ah
thn i decided it was my Feng Shui
so we changed seats and i ended up next to Nick
heh heh,so i joined their alliance and it was pretty funny
the tappings and offering people chocolate.
soon we got tired and changed game to the number game
poor Joanne got it twice and had to do forfeits xD
nic got it once and did some forfeits
i think nic lost a lot of times
lost count which forfeit was for which game.
cus we played the shooting game too
so he had to bounce like a basketball, drink from the bottle whereby Jerome licked before, wear the cutesy hairband
my forfeit was to hug joanne. wheee ! ;D
enough of games
it was time to attend the Ming Jie concert
he's like damn good
and he played Happy Birthday too ! wahahaha
and a lot of other songs
Violin's so cool
i shall make my son learn it !!! heh
thn the rest left
went to the poolside and stoned there till mommy came.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
whoa, i really have a knack for 43
i woke up at 9 : 43 today !!! SO EARLYYY
watched disney channel just in time for active kidz
i cant believe i actually followed through the whole routine !!
lol, must have looked damn retarded
well, amy and scott told me to keep activated.
i'm sooooo gona be activated throughout the whole day
lata i zhall gu swemman
yayyyyy. and eat a lot of junk food too. haa
yesterday went to Vivo with Weiru.
walked around and we saw Terri and her mom !
thn we went to Harbourfront Centre to try to look for Canon repair centre
rrrr, looks like weiru's mom told her wrongly and it's Harbourfront Towers
ahaha, we're pretty independent right? ;D
we managed to ask around and all, finally getting to the place.
went back and walked around again, this time to candy empire too !
yay, bought Arnott's mint slice balls !!!
kiss them, crunch them, seduce them, roll them down the aisle (NEVER!!!),
nibble them, juggle them, suck them, melt them in your mouth, chomp them, devour them
spin them, LOVE them ! ;D
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
wooh, i forgot to add that my nails are painted disco black
but my Uncle, or rather my Godfather said i have been poisoned !
um, so after playing bejeweled, beating my high score, i left for diary farm...bus stop xD
met Cui there and it seems that every time Cuitian meets me, it would rain, and she would be drenched, while i'll be dry ;p heehee
reached town pretty soon and we went to The Heeren's for some shopping
spotted the shop with totally punky stuff ! ahh we were like "Sarah!"
hahaha, i had a hard time finding a toilet upstairs. rrrr
in the end we took neoprints and left ;p
went to taka and i love the directions there, so obvious where the toilets were
ahhh, but poor cuitian bumped into something hanging on the wall so she's got a cut cum bruise.
went to cineleisure too !
bought Jolly Shandy from Cheers. wahaha i managed to pull off the i-am-18 look!!!
unlike in 7 eleven. heh
thn we went to planet surf and we got our to-be school bags ! heehee
rusty !
mmn, the day with cuitian ended when i took the mrt to cityhall to meet Daddy
saw edmund and his friends but i didnt get to say hi ;p
oh wells
went to the french stall for dinner and thn we went home feeling darn full.
Monday, November 27, 2006
oh yeah, it's my birthday today !
i woke up pretty early today, 10 : 43 ( well, considering the fact that i slept at 2 plus )
uhhh, last night it was fun !
weiru sohmin beihan and lynn came over
too bad jamie couldnt come ):
my apologies to the others because my house is very small,
so i cant invite too many ppl !
well we played bridge as usual, with my cousin, Joanne too !
took some crazy photos with PhotoBooth once again. hahaha
thn my relatives left and we went downstairs to play... hopscotch !!!
lousy lynn cannot balance for nuts !
she kept falling at first. aww so cute ! hahaha
okay thn soon it was 12 and they wished me happy birthday with hugs too (:
and, thanks to all those who wished me happy birthday and especially those who stayed up till 12 !
people like ARIES TEO, who still have to wake up at 6 the next day ;p
ahh i love you guys ! ;D
Saturday, November 25, 2006
okay, it's Saturday and i spent the whole day in school
Nan Hua's Open House, gahh
if i were a Primary 6 kid i wouldn't even think of coming
i would be going to places like rgs or scgs like what i did back then. LOL
i'm a pretty (pissed) girl right now.
oh look ! pretty !
well, not. back to being pissed -.-
even though i am eternally grateful to booklvr1256 for uploading ISWAK on youtube,
she's being so cruel for stopping at episode 18 !!!
i'm dying to watching the last two episodes !!!
well i say the root of all trouble is channel 56, if it hadnt aired ISWAK, i wouldnt have known about it rrrrr >:|
but the fact is that i adore channel 56. it's my source of drama knowledge. haha
oxymoron ! ;p
for example, one litre of tears ! everyone should watch it !!! just like the title,
you'll cry one litre worth of tears !!! ;x
okay i feel a bit better now.
but still !!!
just now during Dance, Mrs Wong told us SOME teacher complained that we dancers are not giving our school mates their due support. why? because we didn't purchase tickets to Cultural Pot
lame lame lame! she's indirectly forcing us to buy the tickets !!! but then again, i dont give a damn
anw, we did the same thing for 4 times and we're going to do the some thing for CCA extravaganza, lol.
the last time we were performing a lot of ppl slipped and fell because it was raining
PLUS i got ps-ed by xinyu and audrey ): only i did cartwheel and was it embarrassing or what ?
okay, shan't comment on the performance. it's pretty much the same each time, or rather, our standard is stagnant.
lastly, i broke a nail. HAHA i know it's pretty lame, but hey, so much for a PERFECT manicure ):
mmm, rotted at home all day
eh, no !! i watched one litre of tears !!! yaye !
i'm beginning to love Jap more than Korean already (due to the lack of korean dramas)
i need to watch goong ! haha
okay after that i left for MC
i wasnt late! in fact, i was early ;p
the sky was still rather bright as i walked through the alley (no more man peeing, hahaha) and across the streets.
um, practiced for our performance. lol
me and zheng ning are going to sing Santa Claus is coming to town and Jingle Bells xD
other than that, we were crapping throughout the lesson !
as usual, Jarrod keeps talking about how flat Shi Hui is and how she is a washing board
and as a result, we're calling him chilli padi for good xP
haha, nah.. we're not as mean as he is
Jarrod is one vulgar guy -.-
i have never been scolded the F word so many times in my life!
every Friday is one sad day mans. haha
Thursday, November 23, 2006
oh lookie ! i'm back to blogging again !
i feel much much happier now ! ;D
because i watched ISWAK!
see, i'm a very easily contented person ;p
but mind you, i went through a lot before i could even watch that particular episode okay -.-
now lemme describe my trauma
the video couldnt load on my lappy
both explorer and msn explorer couldnt work (i think they are the same -.-)
now, i specially downloaded mozilla firefox but it wouldnt work either!!! >:#
so i used my brother's com
both explorer and msn explorer couldnt work too (resulting in my earlier conclusion)
so i shut down my lappy and changed my system to Mac
using Safari, the video loaded pretty fast and i watched on for a few more minutes
BUT, it still hanged. stupid stupid stupid >;|
so once again, i specially downloaded mozilla and... A MIRACLE HAPPENED!
the video got loaded really quickly and i watched the last part of the show
the kissing part was so funny, he stole a kiss from her ! and before that, straight tree was like "that hardworking adorable idiot" HAHAH
what can i say, my perseverance paid off !!! ;D and it was definitely worth it !
however, i must say that it was SO irritating watching the same FRONT part for SIX times
mmm, but i wasnt really paying attention to the show
thanks to Aries for she was online ! heehee
mmm, then i logged off because there were people constantly signing in so i got pretty annoyed by the disturbance the alerts were causing me -.-
without disturbances, i peacefully watched on all the way to ep 18 !
i wanted to carry on watching but ep 19 and 20 have not been uploaded yet !!! noooooooooo
i am pretty affected but then again, good things are worth the wait ! so... yea ):
and i cant wait for ep 19 !
it's payback time man
heh heh, XQ will declare she will marry AJ
thn, straight tree was so afraid of losing her ! HAA
and so, he resorted to kissing her (again).
oya, i know how he kissed her, i watched another video and Joe Cheng was explaining his kissing scenes in ISWAK.
turns out that he was kissing his thumbs. heh pretty cool eh!
i used to think only angles could do the trick ;p
mmm, i feel that Guys should watch Drama serials too !
in this way, they'll know never to be jerks! ;D
omg, i'm SO SO SO sad
1. weiru called me after mommy left = no $
2. daddy reached home at 2 plus, so it's rather useless for me to meet them at Vivo
3. when i had nothing to do, my greatest console is that i can watch ISWAK on youtube
BUT !!! the video JUST had to screw up !!! Right at the KISSING epsiode ! do you know how rare is it for Zhi Shu to treat her so nicely? grrr AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
4. nobody to play solitaire with
5. there's nothing nice to watch on tv ):
6. i cant go swimming because its raining
7. the rain MAY stop, but the water will be freezing
8. there is no food to eat
9. i have bubble gum, but chewing gum will make my face big
10. workers downstairs are cutting grass (although i pity them for doing it in the rain) they are MAKING A LOT OF NOISE
and they say whining will help ease your pain
so NOT true -.-
somebody kill me before i die of boredom
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
i cant believe i missed pss -.-
lol, too caught up with ISWAK ;p
i have decided my boyfriend has to be around 180 !!!
because normally guys of this height are good looking ;DD
Luo Zhi Xiang ; 180 ( added this for yujie )
Ma De Zhong ; 183 ( added this for lynn )
lead of ISWAK ; Joe Cheng ; 188
Kim Sung Soo ; 185
Rain ; 185
Ji Jin Hee ; 178
ah, i need a fan to cool my com down !
(i think my computer might self destruct if i download another photo)
mmm... i left home 5 minutes later than i intended to but i didnt reach school late
but a lot of people was caught in the aye jam, resulting in a humongous number of ppl being late
um, let's just say my first half of dance practice was so enjoyable
gossiping can really bring a lot of joy !!! HAHA
okay but i didnt really consider my conversation with yujie as gossiping
we were merely having a nice chat ;p
uh, i wasnt slacking ! suddenly i got rather bloated
as a result, i couldnt stand properly and i felt like a darned pregnant woman
mmm, towards the end of dance practice, things got rather out of hand
when the guys came in, it marked the start of all the nasty events
Wei Hong got damn pissed and i guess we didnt know how to keep our mouths shut too
so everyone ended up being punished
and plus all the latecomers, we had to do 140 push ups, but we only did 40
when i finished doing it i almost died, because i needed the toilet damn urgently -.-
the pressure was almost too overwhelming for me to bear mans
luckily i managed to pull through.
as for the exco members, being exco members, they had to double it wasnt a very pretty sight considering how tired everyone was ):
whatever, the day was stupid
somehow, given another choice back then, i wouldnt have joined dance
afterall, my good friends are not in dance -.- resulting in the lack of commitment
gee, this is bad
but i'll make sure syf, would be alright, right?
Monday, November 20, 2006
HAHA i was surfing the net when suddenly i got to Blogger's page
from that moment i knew i was destined to blog. ;p
mmm, was playing happy feet checkers in the morning
at first i was so hyped !
i thought my checker pieces would be penguins or sth
BUT all i got in the end were plain and normal-looking pieces. rrrr >;
realised that i was running late, 1.30 and i have yet to bathe ( we were meeting at 2 )
so i quickly got ready and left
despite being late, CUITIAN AND LYNN WERE EVEN LATER !!! >;@
how could they right? they live so near to rail mall -.-
finally cuitian arrived in her sexy drenched top,
mmm i think those blablablas were staring
plus cui had yet to eat, so we went to ah mei ;p
thn we went to cold storage, wanted to get jolly shandy but it was nowhere to be found
so we went t 7-Eleven, there was jolly shandy and yet we couldnt get it cus we werent 18
in the end we left with hiphop jelly.
the loser cashier gave me my change in coins
thn i was "complaining" and yet she told me to put all of them in my piggybank -.-
argh !
finally lynn was on 173 alr
so we left an just nice 171 came ! ;D
so i called lynn while flaging for the bus.
but while doing so i "tickled " somebody's nose !!!
;x ahaah.
our bus ride was rather dumb too. haha
reached island creamery and i shared a mudpie with cui ! ;D
after eating it was taking pictures with Photobooth ! my very own lappy. heeehee
one of the pictures was damn freaky
i dont know how but a man appeared in it !
in the end i realised it's the reflection
but... i dont have flash what. so...mmm.
ahahaha shall post it and other pictures some other time
we took about 70 photos !!! ;p
printed 2 at IC, i hope they pin it up ! ;D
after tht we left for town and we decided to catch a movie, namely Casino Royale !!!
it's a pretty nice show. but it's rather long too
after tht we were sooo hungry
went to Food Republic to eat our dinner
i think the hokkien mee there is rather overrated. next time i shall eat some other thing ;p
took 190 home alone ):
stupid bus driver scolded me
lame, he mispronounced wronglyyyyyy !! RRRR -____-
zhu became zhuo
big difference okay !
home home home
Sunday, November 19, 2006
ok, i shall update now
i just had music clinic earlier on
and i found out that clara the pro is before me on 3rd Dec, the semi-finals
and Zheng ning's after me, and after Zheng ning is Li Li ! can this get any worser?
but before that i watched the new drama serial that's aired on Channel 56
"it started with a kiss"
omg it's so funny !
cant wait for next sunday ;p
after music clinic i had soba for dinner at Paragon again !
gosh, i really do love Soba !
after that it was time for shopping !
got a Gas top
it's so me. LOL the colour that is. flourescent yellow (almost)
and thn i went over to The Heeren's to get my bro's levi jeans
so now i'm a member. hahah
and i bought school shoes from there.
mmm, different from Elaine's. mine has got grey trimmings instead of black !
wooh grey ! i love grey ! ;D
hehs, the salesguy was rather cute too !
too bad he's too old. awwww ;p
okay on saturday
i went to suntec to attend a talk
by my very own daddy
thn i went to Ben and Jerry's !!!
wooh ate the Mix and Match ;D
i feel fat, but whatever. it was heaven for that 10 minutes ;p
after that i went home with Pepperridge Farm's Cookies !!!
Carrefour has a much wider range than Cold storage !
i love Carrefour ;p
on friday i was late for Music clinic
well before that i was at BPP with Aik lynn
ahahah was kinda on a food binge cus all we did was to eat !
but heck, i love eating ! ;D
mmm, when i reached MC they were all talking about this umbrella story, supposedly a pervertic one. so they said i was too young , and thus, not allowed to hear it.
but someday, im sure i will !
mmm, screwed up the assignment. rrrr >:
thn Mark received a call from his friend who wanted to come from Zouk to MC.
Jarrod replied 75 or 970
then i was like ZOO LEH! super loudly ( i mean, what buses go to Mandai man )
funny, only i misheard Zouk as zoo -.-
classic huh.
ok that explains Lynn's tag.
1. i am a deep thinker
2. i love collecting tags
3. i am nearing 50 kg
4. i love watching the television
5. my favourite channel is cartoon network
6. i want to be an air stewardess
7. i want to be a singer
8. i am a very solemn person
9. i like to watch dramas
10. i love swimming, but nearly drowned when i was young so now i hardly swim
11. i have always wanted to draw like a pro
12. i am a very sentimental person
13. i used to be a teacher's pet
14. once,my hamster peed on me
15. my chinese pronunciation is good
16. i have high expectations of myself
17. i hate running
18. i love Ben and Jerry's Dublin Mudslide more than cherry garcia
19. i can stay awake all night
20. i have weird dreams
now now, among this 20 statements about myself, 5 are fake !
try to spot them ! ;D
Thursday, November 16, 2006
ah yes, i shall blog !
there's nothing much for me to do on a Thursday afternoon
with practically all my friends at 302 chalet
or rather, those who came back with me wouldnt have the energy to go out ;p
mmm i woke up at 2 !
that means i slept for 15 hours ! not bad huh xD
now, lemme recap what have i done during the past few days ;D
15 Nov ; Day 2 of 302 chalet
didnt have a good night sleep
spent some hours bridging but felt too tired and wanted to sleep
but ahh, it was so uncomfortable that we decided to go to Mac
plus, some people kept asking whether they could borrow our bikes
so we rode them to Macs. ahha
ate apple pie and slept for awhile and it was equally uncomfortable -.-
went back to the chalet about morning and tried to sleep
managed to catch some minimal sleep
thn we woke up and played bridge again ;D
Sonia's father fetched us to Eunos mrt and we cabbed to Holland V together !
while sonia went home, we met up with zeng ye for lunch
after eating we walked to the very far bus stop to take 198 to west coast to play pool. lol, luckily we managed to sneak in !
after playing we went home. yaye
14 Nov ; Day 1 of 302 chalet, Day 2 of 209 chalet
hahah, finally managed to sleep after yan xiang stopped his nonsense
woke up and i ate Mr Bean ;D
went back to the chalet and played some stress with Sonia
thn we had this gossip session and played a few rounds of mahjong before
playing blackjack and i think i won some money (only a few cents cus our bets were ten cents)
towards the end, poor Jonathan had to pay what Guang Wei owed us ;x
just when he was winning !!! sad.
in the end me and sonia slept on the floor because we were still tired
left for 302 chalet when we woke up at 4.30 and took the mrt with meiting
cabbed to costa sands and heard some distressing news !
stupid thief broke into our chalet !!!
from then onwards everyone took their valuables with them
cycled more
and we taught Casuarine how to cycle !
i'm SO PROUD of her mans ;D
she can cycle now ! heehee
thn we ate dinner and thn we proceeded to Bedok Jetty
when the whole class (cept for cheeyu n yiming ) arrived, we all began on our cycling journey !
we cycled to tanah merah, thn back to the airport runway and from there, some of us continued to cycle to Changi Village
with breaks in between of course, we were like gather gather ! (during the first half of the journey )pretty hilarious xD
when we cycled all the way to CV we couldnt take it any longer so we cabbed back
bathed and played a few rounds of bridge and then we couldnt fall asleep.
the next thing we knew, it was Day 2 already ;p
Saturday, November 11, 2006
wooh my blogger merged with my google
hahah, nothing much has changed. (except i can label my posts) heck xD the whole day had been a totally boring one
it poured almost the whole day -.-
so i'm practically stranded at home oh wells. i'm leaving soon at 6.30 for MC for the quater finals shit
rrrr, i didnt practise at all. HAHA, wish me lucks man xD
earlier on i did a manicure and pedicure
dont mind the ugly foot tho
just look at the colour ! ;D after tht i started drawing
or rather, played hexic with weiru first ;p
mmm my first attempt on drawing a full upper body
that's about it
drawing's really a good way to kill time ;D
wooh new post !
today i woke up late
so i missed physics ):
rrr blame the strange disease !
(which is taking effect now) hahaha
earlier in the afternoon i accompanied mommy to PCI to buy some nail polish
heh heh, pretty colours to be applied on me !
ahh then we went to Vivo
shopped till 6 plus so as to go to Music Clinic straight
mmm, bought skirts and a pair of heels
sastified !
but im totally -.- when that pretty skirt from Zara is outta size
even at ALL the other outlets
nuuuuuuuuuuuu. but since fate decreed so, i have no choice but to resign to it ):
haha, heels yesterday and heels today.
mommy say we can build a house with all our shoe boxes ;p
eh, i left at 6.30 right?
i reached MC at 7.30
hello?!?! Outram Park is only a stop away from Harbourfront.
can you imagine how freaking short the distance is?
and YET omg -.- one hour. crazyy
um Choir practice was kinda funny
with Jerrald drawing um. 32A, B, C. HAHA
AND AND AND, JEREMY came back !
woooh, havent seen him in ages ;p
gave a good luck hug to him( he's going for his interview this Sunday! )
my first hug leh, it would definitely bring him loads of luck ;p
met up with the usual 3 and we cabbed to marina square !
bought lots of accessories from Diva!
reductions reductions reductions ! i love reductions xD
went to look for cuitian at MOF
heehee, but only sohmin and lynn ate.
me and weiru ate baked rice !
yaye we love baked rice !!!!!!!!! ;D
um bought heels and i think that's all
Thursday, November 09, 2006

i think people look sexy in bathrobes !!! 

Rexona's creative advertisement ! you stink ! 

Ctrl A to see who's hiding behind snow white! it may be your reflection for all you know ;p 
The dolphin photo looks quite familar to me
and i totally ripped off the caption ;p
so i have to credit
like now. haha
(dont want them sueing me)

You saw a couple in an intimate pose, right?
Interestingly, research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such a scenario.
What they WILL see, however, is the nine dolphins in the picture!
So, I guess we've already proven you're not a young innocent child... now... If it's hard for you to find the dolphins within 6 seconds, your mind is indeed corrupted and you may need help .


what do you see? sexy nuns? lol look closely ;D 
i think i have developed this strange disease
i CANNOT sleep before 12
damn weird
oh wells, thank God there isnt school tomorrow
mmm i have been drawing quite a lot lately !
pretty good pointers from
hehs, finally my nose is no longer a line or whatever xD
shall try to perfect a human face asap! i like to draw features
well, in search for good pencil sketches, i googled and i found.. !
interesting photographs, shall post some using picasa ;D
mmm went for Dance, it was OKAY
and thn we went for math
if anyone is interested to know what happened during math lesson
simply go to weiru's blog and see what a NICE teacher ms ong is !
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
bloggy woggy
i just finished the channel U 10 pm show
omg it's SO crap, funny funny bunny !
but i like it ! ahh love it
heh. i want to be an air stewardess !!!
rrrr. i know i know. shheeesh
eh woke up at 8.10, not very late right?
but i was still late for the 9.30 class -.-
ultra lame ! as in the whole bus journey with kohweiru
eh, since when outings with her wasnt lame.
but i still love her depsite her being quite (very) peetarded ;p
mm caused quite a scene when we entered the classroom
stupid bamboo nearly tripped me, so i kicked it but it ended up clashing with the chairs. lol
blablabla stupid binomial theorem, ncr x n-1 blablabla, forgot the general term !
after school took 106 to town
made us pretty queasy. rrr
urm stoned at taka
thn mommy came and we ate crsytal jade !
woooh! all the nice tim sum like ha gao and the thingy smothered in salty sauce
and the noodle and the porridge and fried thingy. whatever xD
all i know is that all these stuff sure tasted damn good !
shopped shopped shopped
walked walked walked
shopping = fun
after shopping = tired
eh i hate it when there isnt my size
like the Wh top AND the forever 21 skirt
lame lame lame -.-
but i still bought 2 tops. yaye me !
sudden craving for coke
and hiphop jelly, woooh shake it !
Monday, November 06, 2006

first attempt ! 
what a boring Monday Morning/ Afternoon
i think im going to stay home all day
rotting, slacking, whatever -.-
was supposed to go to cui's house
but its raining ):
spent the day uploading songs from radioblogclub to here
heh, obviously i changed the blogskin
more greyish !
suits this fall season. lol
if only there's a checkered blogskin. haa
oh wells. i shall play neopets !

call me cute or else! >:| 

what small eyes i have! 

how often have you seen cuitian with this facial expression? still, cute ! heh 

haha cuitian deh goldfish ;p 
Sunday, November 05, 2006
i am writing in the HUGE FONT!
because i want to express my heartfelt gratitude to...
see i even bolded it! hehs
boy do i love Aries.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
woke up by lynn's call but i went bck to sleep xD
so i ended up sleeping till bout 12 ;p
called weiru and sohmin but both of them didnt answer their phones!
i totally thought they left without me ;x
aahha so i was really bored and thus, i went to youtube to check out Rain
wooh, turns out he can play the piano! and his english aint tht bad too !
he sang Just Once by James Ingram
and i saw the sentimental side of Rain in the mv of handshake
woah woah woah
okay thn i watched some tv, slacked awhile more before leaving for town
saw Ethan Ong ; Singapore's youngest drummer, aged 7 playing the drums outside paragon
watched him for awhile thn i walked around aimlessly in Paragon
rrrr, shopping alone is seriously boring. shall not do it ever again. ahaha
luckily sohmin and weiru cabbed down! heh heh
we shopped abit more thn left for The Heeren and took neoprints
but we left soon due to the time constraint ( we had to reach home by 7.30 to catch confessions of a teenage drama queen )
wheee but before tht we went to Fareast to meet up with jamie and her mei hua lu,
bought chippy's triple C and left for home (:
Thursday, November 02, 2006
back back back
it has been a rather enjoyable day (:
woke up rather early today, bout 10. hehs
left my house for cuitian's after about 2 hours xD
helped cuitian to style her hair while val did the makeup
and we did sth to her dress! haa
ahh, our little secret eh?
took 171 to town and we ate at Swensen's.
we were damn cold and left after taking some pictures ( to be posted at a later date )
and finishing our chicken baked rice!
took neoprints at The Heeren's and it turned out pretty alright.
we didnt decorate it at all, not a single bit!
but i think i looked rather weird. haha
went over to Takashimaya and bought Nama Chocolate from Royce as Ming's birthday present.
Ate another "lunch" at Pepper lunch because we had nothing else to do. haha
stoned until it was time to leave
cabbed down to the Butter Factory and we were greeted by this guy who shouted " look! there's people" and he started shouting, running into the room.
when we entered the room
we were TOTALLY stunned
i mean, there were practically no Chinese people in sight.
All those Caucasians! haha.
we did see some Chinese people but oh well xD
so we stoned, standing around
got some orange juice and we stoned again
there was food but hello? pepper lunch? haha, too full.
stoned until the most prettiest girl contest kicked in
the emcee wanted some names and the GUYS were like screaming ME ME ME, waving their hands frantically in the air. pretty amusing sight.
but nevertheless, a champion was picked out of the 5 girls chosen
she was a brunette, no doubt pretty. my favourite part of her were her wedges
really unique!
now how could we forget the hotties in the house?
i saw this guy wearing a tuxedo? haha kinda cute but he didnt get into the top 5
well, all of the guys were screaming their own names as usual
but the winner of the most good looking guy was Nathan!!!
he looked good today, with his jacket and jeans. but i couldnt understand the slippers. haha
after looks, it was time to check out the contestants' dancing skills
had a good laugh outta it because they were really sweating it out!
ah but from my angle i could only see Nathan and this other guy best. heh heh
Nathan was really cool and yea, he won. again. lol
then one of the contestant, freddie, was requested to take off his shirt!
and he actually took it off and flung it into the crowd. hahah !
mmm just when we thought the whole competition thing was over, upon special request a dance-off took place between Sophie( the girl who won ) and this young girl
i swear it was damn exhilarating!
everyone cleared the dance floor for them
both of them did backflips and well, slogging thier guts out. haha
Sophie won and thn came Matthew the unGreat
his cartwheel barely passed the grade
haha. oh wells xD
obviously Sohpie became the unchallenged winner
finally we decided not to stone any longer and hit the dance floor
but we were plainly swaying to the beat, nothing much.
thn a group of younger guys were dancing in front of us and we were kinda laughin. haha
thn they started to face us and started dancing all over again and one of them even said : do you want to see me topless? ahh
and he took off his shirt halfway xD
after awhile we went to grab some food
the French Pasteries were good !
got more fruit punch and thn we hit the dance floor again
this time we got more hyped up and danced to the beat of Sexyback, Hips Don't Lie and many more. hehs, pretty cool !
thn the party came to an end.
how nice it is to be rich !