Tuesday, December 12, 2006
i hereby declare this is my last posti love xanga !! :D
Monday, December 11, 2006
whee xanga xanga. i'm so used to xanga now.
but i still miss blogger?
heck i'll stick to both. wooohhh? HAHA
i'm mad. heh
i miss my friends ):
sunday was our performance at Toa Payoh HDB hub
went to mc for a rehersal before cabbing there
luckily we didnt take the mrt ! it started puring heavily halfway
reached there and the emcee wanted to draw the crowds
so he offered Fish Leong's autographed disc BUT nobody cared.
HAHA until... Jeremy wanted it
so he and Jarrod got enaged in a dancing comp to "fight" for it
it wasnt even a fight, whoever wins, Jeremy will still get it. haha
oyeh, the dance managed to get some people's attention. uh huh uh huh
now its was the girl's turn and of course zheng ning stole all the limelight ;p
ahh, lili backed out. ):
okay sing sing sing
i screwed up, the song was over before i knew it. AHAH
i thought it was an interlud? ah wells xD
mm, they were a lot of mentally challenged people there.
so scary !!! ahhh
jeremy sent us back to mc and he wasnt good with directions
ended up making one big round. lol
mmn, now i know my biggest mistake in my semi finals was my unstable base
so jeremy forced me to sing male songs with the original key
fwahh ;p
after that, jeremy asked me to sing super high
not bad at all, beautful love plus 4 :D
that should be G ? haa
i feel so accomplished ! didnt use my head voice ;p
beammmmss ;DDDDDDD
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Aries and Cuitian are using Xanga
guess who's next?
today's my first proper post there. heh heh
i think i'll practice double posting. HAHAH
but Xanga's cooler. private and protected posts.
heh heh
laoshi's still at modern but at least we learnt a few steps !
(although it's rather barbaric to me.) hahah
mmn, he flared up a lil. pretty scary. but it shall serve as a wake up call to those loser slackers
oh wells. i guess i shall be using xanga more often since i have decided to change to xanga permanently.
i totally love the similes. heehee
back to dance.
beauty redefined, now no fringe shall be sported in order to maintain a good complexion.
cant help it ! syf period's one dirty one. hahaha
i think chinese new year performances is gayyyyy.
i hate frontwalks. makes me short !!!
Aries if you grow any taller imma force you to do frontwalks, many many many times !
i've always thought i'm not a bad singer. like ya knw, average.
the video proves otherwise. sigh.
now my confidence level for this sunday's show's is NIL. save me
Monday, December 04, 2006
so much for mission skinny. HAHA
it's official, i'm in cultural dance.
lol, laoshi's gona complete modern dance first
that's why i was so "slack" today
eh, i wasnt THAT slack.
in fact, i was considered hardworking okay !
but i still have the strength to type ;p
however, on friday...i doubt so already. lol
ahh i'm so hyped up ! just now i was pretty down ):
why why tell me why
back to being happy!
i just saw the red star big event advertisment
i'm SOOOOOOOO watching it !!!
because zheng yuan chang is gracing the event

ahhh total hotness right?

the ultimate poofy hair that makes him look ultra cute !
ahh i love him so much.
i even considered being an actress just to act next to him
although i am rather dramatic at times.
i'm not actress substance ;p
oh well.
okay it's nearing 12 and i'm still eating
whatever, mission skinny starts tomorrow
came back from mc idol semi-finals
ah, i guess my song choice pales in comparison as compared to everyone else
plus i had some glitches here and there
so i didnt make it to the finals.
BUT ! zheng ning did !!! Good luck babe !
dance again!!!
cuitian came back to support us ! heh
she ran from outram mrt to mc and she made it JUST in time.
hahah totally appreciated,
my petite darling xDDDD
Saturday, December 02, 2006
havent blog since wednesday? that's quite pathetic
on thursday...
i think i stayed home all day?
went to Marine Parade !
ahahah, wasnt planning to buy anything but in the end i got a denim jacket. heh heh
thn went to Roland Restuarant for the Christian Business Men Committee dinner. apparently my father joined it. haha
he's FINALLY not against Christianity.
i went to make my ic
rrr ugly ugly photo !
nvm like what Aries says, people will praise me on how i have become more beautiful over the yearsss ;p
uh, slacked at Bugis after tht and thn i headed for MC.
performances performances performances and more performancesssssss
nah, i'm only going to do 2/4. heehee
but i still ended up late for the photoshoot
the day progressed with much walking and acting cute
BUBBLES?!? HAHA. i hope the pictures will turn out just fine ;x
oya saw Zeng Ye !!! omg, how concidental.
the ultimate gaynesss xD
after everything ended, me and cui went to PS first and on our way we met 2 sec 2 nh softballers... they seemed to be talking bad about us. DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
thn on our way to the bus stop, a ex nan huarian asked us to do a survey. haha thn we took 171 to Marina Square
so nan hua-ry
heehee, she collected her pay and we went to Changing Appetite to have a late lunch. i love the seats ! and well, the food's good too !
took quite a lot of photos but i cant post any -.-
because... i wont use anything except for hello and it's gone ):
that's why i'm considering Xanga too ! ahahhaa. oh wells.
before we left, we saw this cotton candy booth and we got all hyped up.
eh, so much for less sugar intake, i even drank pepsi light. HAH
the guy sucks !!! he keeps throwing the ugly cotton candy away. so wasted. -.-
i'm eating so much junk late at night
stop me before i cant fit into size 6 anymore. LOLLL
bla, syf practice is just 2 days away.
enjoy while i can...